What happens to your life when you quit smoking weed?

Quit smoking weed

The first question that comes in my mind when I read this line is what will happen to me when I quit smoking weed. I am sure everyone wants to know this question, but it is not easy to answer.

If you ask any person, they will tell you that quitting weed is one of the toughest tasks. You might have quit smoking for many times but you can’t expect the same result.

After quitting smoking, you might feel some changes in your body. The first thing that you will notice is your hair. Your hair will become dull, lifeless, and lifeless. In addition to that, you will also feel tired and lazy.

Your sleep will be disturbed, and you will feel exhausted. Some people feel dizzy and nauseous. These symptoms will disappear in few days but you will experience some side effects.

It is difficult to say that how much time it will take for you to recover, but some people take 6 months to recover.

What is next for me?

When you quit smoking weed, you will feel lost and lonely. You will think that what will happen to you if you quit weed.

You will feel like you are the only person who is smoking weed. You will try to get a job but you won’t get one. You will be feeling depressed and will feel guilty.

You will start thinking about the bad things that you did while you were smoking weed. You will think about the people who are addicted to weed.

You will feel bad for smoking weed because you know that it is not good for your health.

When you quit smoking weed, you will miss the good times that you used to have. You will miss the time when you were smoking weed with your friends and having fun.

You will start missing the smell of weed. You will start missing the taste of weed.

You will miss the feeling that you get when you smoke weed.


I hope you liked this post about “Life After Quitting Weed – What Is Next For Me?”. If you want to quit smoking weed, then you should try to quit it for good. If you are planning to quit smoking weed, then you should follow these tips to get a healthy body.