Using essential oils for overactive bladder can help to relieve the symptoms of this medical condition. The symptoms of an overactive bladder include difficulty in urination, frequent urination, blood in urine, and painful urination. Because the symptoms of an overactive bladder are similar to those of an adult person with kidney stones, physicians often prescribe herbal remedies to help them find a treatment for their ailment.

A number of essential oils have been found to be effective in treating the symptoms of this disorder:

  1. Clary sage essential oil is one of the most effective for treating this condition.
  2. The scent of clary sage essential oil is said to be calming and soothing.
  3. It is usually used as a carrier oil and applied to the lower abdomen, thighs, and buttocks.
  4. This type of essential oil is usually used to alleviate nausea and other gastrointestinal problems associated with this problem.
  5. The essential oil of clary sage is usually made into a refreshing tea for drinking.
  6. It is also available in a cream that relieves cramping and is rubbed directly onto the pelvic area to ease the discomfort.

Another excellent essential oil for bladder control is lavender oil = The scent of lavender is reported to be sweet, exotic, feminine, and calming. It is usually applied topically to the area where the bladder muscle spasms and is thought to promote better blood circulation. Lavender oil has been used for generations to treat women’s urinary problems and is still a popular home remedy.

Peppermint essential oil is another good choice for treating bladder control = This scent has a pleasant earthy aroma. It is often used as a carrier oil or added to bathwater to relax sore muscles. A strong, dry mint flavor can be applied as an astringent to relieve aching muscles of the bladder. It is also believed to be a natural cure for constipation.

For relief from the itching and burning sensation = of a bladder infection, ginger essential oils can be very effective. Peppermint and lavender are two other well-known choices when treating a spasm in the bladder. Both of these essential oils can be applied to the affected area to provide relief and ginger provides faster relief than the anesthetic found in most topical medications.

There are many other essential oils = that are effective in bladder control. Using them routinely for a few weeks will likely provide dramatic results. Some of these remedies have the added benefit of not containing any side effects and are readily available at your local grocery store. Other remedies can be made at home and used in place of pharmaceutical medications which can be expensive.

For those suffering from incontinence, essential oils for bladder control may be just what you need.